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Middle Stone Industries of Odisha

 Middle Stone Industries of Odisha

The Middle Stone Age (MSA) in Odisha, also known as the Mesolithic period, is characterized by the development of more advanced stone tool technology. The Mesolithic period in Odisha is dated to be between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago.

One of the key industries of the Mesolithic period in Odisha was the production of microlithic tools. Microliths are small, finely made stone tools that were used for a variety of tasks, such as hunting and woodworking. These tools were made using a technique called pressure flaking, in which small flakes were removed from a core using a bone or antler tool.

Another important industry of the Mesolithic period in Odisha was the production of groundstone tools. These tools were made by grinding and pecking large, coarse-grained stones, such as quartzite and basalt, to create sharp edges. These tools were used for tasks such as grinding seeds, cutting plants, and shaping wood.

The Mesolithic people of Odisha were also known for their use of shell and bone tools. These tools were made from the shells of marine animals and the bones of terrestrial animals and were used for a variety of tasks, such as cutting and scraping.

In addition to tool production, the Mesolithic people of Odisha have likely engaged in hunting, fishing, and gathering activities. They also practiced a form of shifting agriculture, where they would clear a small patch of forest and cultivate it for a few years before moving on to a new patch.

Overall, the Mesolithic period in Odisha was characterized by the development of more advanced stone tool technology and the use of a wider variety of materials for tool production, such as shell, bone and ground stone.

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